Monday, September 30, 2019

Is presented in the 1997 film Essay

Hale is upset because he knows that John is innocent and he feels guilty because he was involved and doesn’t want to see an innocent man hang also he realises hoe precious life is and doesn’t want John to give it away: â€Å"Life is god’s greatest gift† Parris and Danforth are annoyed with John because if he had confessed to witch craft it would have justified all the other hangings but they understand that when they hang John they will be ruined and exposed as corrupt that is why it is slightly ironic when Danforth says â€Å"Whoever weeps for these weeps for corruption† The ending of the play is very dramatic using Elizabeth as the last person to speak saying the line â€Å"he have his goodness now god forbid I take it from him† this is telling us that she realises that he is a good man. Also seeing Elizabeth’s reactions and emotions it guides the audience and shows them how they should react themselves. During the Conclusion of the film adaptation the director shows lots of close ups of John and Elizabeth to show emotion which would have been expressed on the stage, this is affective because it shows you exactly how you should be feeling and why it is so emotional to John and Elizabeth. Also the music helps set the scene using dramatic music when John is deciding whether to sign or not an happier music when he decides to hang if the music was not their it would be difficult for the crowd to understand that the hanging is a good event rather than a sad event. The comments in â€Å"echoes down the corridor† are significant because they explain what John Proctor has hung for because when he says: â€Å"Show honours now show a stony heart and sink them with it† It explains that he â€Å"sunk† the court and broke theocracy in Salem. Miller persuades you that John Proctor didn’t die in vain. Also Miller is trying to put the point across that falsely accusing people of something they haven’t done has grave consequences’ this has links to himself and McCarthyism. In the play the ending scene is finished with Elizabeth because it would be difficult to show a real hanging on a stage without actually hurting some one and also leaving it their it’s a lot more dramatic showing the hanging through Elizabeth’s eyes. Were as in the film you see John Proctor hang this looses a lot of the drama in the ending scenes but it gives you a much more clear ending. Even though the endings are similar the play creates a lot more suspense ending on Elizabeth’s words rather than the actual hanging of John Proctor. In conclusion, Miller’s message is that McCarthyism was wrong and has portrayed the message through â€Å"The Crucible† maybe linking himself to the character of John Proctor. His message is portrayed extremely well using suspense and drama to get his points across. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Child Abuse and Neglect

This paper will discuss child abuse and neglect and the lasting effects left on a child. The main types of abuse and neglect explained are emotional abuse, psychological abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, medical neglect, educational neglect, emotional neglect, and physical neglect. Included are some warning signs of these different types of abuse and neglect and the legal definitions of each. It is important to understand that all of these forms of abuse and neglect are different and contain varying symptoms, signs, and effects.In addition, the paper discusses uggestions on how to mediate some of these forms of abuse and neglect, including better reporting programs and better parental education. With each different form of abuse and neglect children are left with a multitude of problems and obstacles to face in the future. Throughout the paper and use of statistics, it is evident that child abuse and neglect is a much more serious problem than most of the public is aware.Child Abu se and Neglect A Review of the Literature Between 1,460 and 2,555 children die every year due to child abuse and neglect; meaning that on average, between four and seven children die daily. In a classroom of 20 children, 13 will have been abused or neglected (Childhelp, 2013). These statistics should be shocking to anyone. Child abuse and neglect is an extremely understated problem in American society.The federal definition of child abuse and neglect is â€Å"any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker that results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation† or â€Å"an act or failure to act that presents an imminent risk of serious harm† (Gosselin, 2009, p. 93). Although this is the set definition, there can be different variations of t depending on specific state laws. Child abuse and neglect occur in many varying forms and do not always appear in the same manner.Some types of abuse and neglect include emotio nal abuse, psychological abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, educational neglect, medical neglect, emotional neglect, and physical neglect. This paper will discuss the signs of these various forms of child abuse and neglect as well as provide insight to the effects on children. Emotional Abuse Emotional and psychological abuse of children is one of the most commonly overlooked forms of abuse (American Humane Association, 2013).This may be due to the fact that there is no physical abuse occurring for people to notice. Also, not as many people know that emotional and psychological child abuse is happening. One of the biggest problems with forms of emotional and psychological abuse it that it is almost impossible to detect while it is occurring. Often times, it is not noticed until much later in a child's life. Emotional abuse is something that most people have experienced in their lifetime, but not to an extreme extent.Some examples of emotional abuse include â€Å"constant belittli ng, shaming, and humiliating a child, name alling, making negative comparisons to others, frequent yelling, threatening, or bullying, ignoring or rejecting a child as a punishment, and limited physical contact (hugs or kisses)† (Smith, 2013). Parents discipline their children in different ways and have varying methods of punishment, but to constantly belittle or threaten one's child is something much different. This type of abuse is a very painful one for children to experience because they often blame themselves and wonder why their parents are treating them this way.Emotional abuse can lead to impairments in hildren's emotional development and their sense of well-being. Psychological Abuse Along with emotional abuse, psychological abuse can be Just as harmful. Psychological abuse is more of a game of power, where parents control their children and make them believe, for example, that they are worthless. This leads to serious psychological problems and can cause many disorder s such as â€Å"anxiety, depression, withdrawal, or aggressive behavior† (Gosselin, 2009, p. 96).To some parents, using the old saying, â€Å"sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me† is ustification enough for this type of abuse. Most parents do not understand that their children are not able to handle ridicule and harassment as well as adults. To children, having their parents make comments to them can affect their psyche for the rest of their lives. In at least one study, â€Å"about 80% of 21 year olds that were abused as children met criteria for at least one psychological disorder† (Childhelp, 2013).Many parents who do abuse their children emotionally or psychologically believe that it is not abuse because they are making them stronger and preparing them for eople who will be mean and hurtful to them in the future. However, these parents are leaving their children with damaged mental health and social development problems that can l eave lifelong scars on their children. Physical Abuse Physical and sexual abuse of a child can leave these same psychological scars, but are also accompanied by physical scars as well. It is estimated that â€Å"more than 90% of Juvenile sexual abuse victims know their perpetrator in some way' (Childhelp, 2013).Children are vulnerable to this type of abuse because they trust the people ho are supposed to take care of them and look after them, making it extremely easy for their caretakers to take advantage of them. Physical abuse is generally defined as â€Å"any non-accidental physical injury to the child and can include striking, stabbing, kicking, burning, or biting the child, or any action that results in a physical impairment or death of a child such as shaking or throwing† (Gosselin, 2009, p. 100). Regarding physical abuse, many parents defend their abuse and claim that it is a form of discipline for the child.These parents do not understand the difference etween discip line and abuse, which can often indicate that they were disciplined the same way. Some signs of physical abuse in children are: â€Å"frequent injuries or unexplained bruises, welts, or cuts; injuries that have a pattern, such as a belt or hand; shies away from touch; seems afraid to go home; flinches at sudden movements; and a child who is always on alert for something bad to happen† (Smith, 2013). Physical abuse can go unnoticed for long periods of time because children can cover up their scars or hide their injuries, but most of the time, it is bound to be discovered.Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse, however, is not as noticeable as physical abuse. Sexual abuse can be defined as â€Å"the employment, use, persuasion, inducement, enticement, or coercion of any child to engage in, or assist any other person to engage in, any sexually explicit conduct or simulation of such conduct for the purpose of producing a visual deception of such conduct† (Gosselin, 2009, p. 101). This type of abuse is not as much about love and intimacy, but more about power and control.Children who are sexually abused are often under the control of their attacker and have trouble finding way out of the abusive situation. Some signs to look for in children who are sexually abused are: â€Å"trouble walking or sitting; displaying knowledge or interest in sexual acts inappropriate to his/her age, or even seductive behavior; making strong efforts to avoid a specific person; not wanting to change clothes in front of others or participate in physical activities; having an STD or being pregnant; or a child running away from home† (Smith, 2013).Most children who are sexual abused are abused by someone they know and love and often times, they do not know that this type of buse is wrong. The abusers in the situation will brainwash the children and make the abuse seem normal, or they will threaten the child into submission and make them keep the abuse a secret. Sexual abuse in child ren can lead to significant psychological and physical problems for them later in life, and these children often suffer from guilt and shame throughout their life as a result of this abuse.Educational Neglect Cases of child neglect differ from cases of abuse, but only in their execution, not their outcome for the child. According to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System â€Å"of the approximately 899,000 children in the United States who were victims of abuse and neglect in 2005, 62. 8 percent (564,765 children) suffered from neglect alone, including medical neglect† (American Humane Association, 2013). A fact that many people do not know it that educational neglect is one of the fastest growing types of child neglect and is punishable by law.This neglect is not referring to parents who cannot get their children to go to school because they run away or lies about going, this neglect is referring to the parents who do not make any effort to nroll their children in s chool or give them the mean to stay in school. This neglect can include â€Å"permitted chronic truancy, failure to enroll or other truancy, and inattention to special education need† (Gosselin, 2009, p. 98).One important aspect of this type ot neglect are the parents who tail to accept that their chil d nas an educational special need and should be placed in alternative classrooms or children who have learning disabilities. Education is important for children in their growth and development, and it is required by law that they must attend school until the age f 16 (public, private, homeschooled, or otherwise). Those parents who do not make education a part of their children lives are hurting them Just as much as if they were physically abusing or neglecting them.Education can predict the outcome of children's lives. Medical Neglect Another common form of neglect is medical neglect which can be characterized as â€Å"failing to provide any special medical treatment or mental health care need by the child† or â€Å"the withholding of medical treatment or nutrition from disabled infants with life-threatening conditions† (Gosselin, 2013, p. 99). This is a very serious form of eglect and is often seen in parents who do not take their children to the hospital or doctors when they are feeling ill or have broken bones.Some parents believe that time will heal wounds, or they think that herbal medicines can cure diseases Just as well as other medicines. There are, however, cases of parents who do not take their children to receive medical attention because they are the ones who inflicted the pain on their children. That case would turn into a form of abuse and neglect and is often seen together. Concerning medical neglect, it is important to understand that hildren need to receive yearly check-ups by doctors to get immunizations and tests done to ensure that the child is healthy.Parents who refuse to, or think they do not have the means to take the ir children to the doctors, hospital or urgent care facility are at risk for possibly killing their own children. It is seen more often in medical neglect cases that parents who did not take their children to these facilities were afraid of going to Jail because they causes the injuries to the child. Emotional Neglect Others forms of neglect include emotional and physical neglect.Emotional neglect can be categorized under circumstances including: â€Å"exposure to chronic or extreme intimate partner violence, permitting drug or alcohol use, or having a delay in psychological care† (Gosselin, 2009, p. 98). Emotional neglect to a child is one of the most painful aspects of neglect. When a parent ignores and terrorizes a child or does not want him or her anymore, they are neglecting the child and leaving him or her with emotional walls. It is not easy for children to understand why their parents are doing this, or what they did to deserve this type of punishment.If parents canno t provide their children with adequate care such as psychological help or counseling and instead are encouraging them to drink alcohol and smoke illegal substances, then these people should not be parents. Regarding emotional neglect, it is important to understand that not emotionally supporting children can make them unable to form proper relationships later in life. Physical Neglect In addition to emotional neglect, children face a great deal of physical neglect from their parents.Physical neglect accounts for the majority of cases of maltreatment Healy, 2013). Maltreatment occurs when children injure themselves or are faced with severe malnutrition as a result of a parent or caretaker. Physical neglect involves: â€Å"the failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, hygiene, protection, or supervision† (Gosselin, 2009, p. 99). It can also include â€Å"child abandonment, inadequate supervision, rejection of a child leading to expulsion from the home and tailure to adequately provide tor the child's satety and physical and emotional needs† (Healy, 2013).Physical neglect is different from physical abuse because nstead of people inflicting pain on children, they are causing pain by ignoring them or not giving them everything they need to survive. These forms of neglect can harm children Just as much as the forms of abuse can, and all of them leave lasting scars. With physical neglect, parents often do not provide their children with their basic needs. Children not only need love and support, they also need food, clothing, and shelter. The main aspect lacking in child care regarding all of these forms of abuse and neglect are reporting programs and parental education.If there were more nhanced programs for people to report these forms of abuse and neglect, the statistics would most likely decrease significantly. Children do not know how to report abuse or neglect can often Just keep quiet, and the people they do report to do not always kno w the correct measures to take. It is important to educate not only our children, teachers, and the general public, but also parents. If parents were more educated in how to care for a child, or what is acceptable and not acceptable to do, these forms of abuse and neglect would also decrease.Parents who exhibit abuse or eglect on their children often claim that they did not know what they were doing was wrong and they did not think there was a problem with their forms of discipline. Everyone needs to be more educated on this topic and it is important to catch this abuse and neglect at the earliest stage possible to decrease the lasting effects on the child. Child Abuse and Neglect Child abuse is any act that endangers a child’s physical or emotional health and development. Child abuse and neglect can take place anywhere. The child often knows the abuser well a parent, relative, babysitter, or friend of the family. Child abuse and neglect crosses all ethnic, racial, social, and economic lines This book talks and expresses the examinations of child neglect in families and its relevance to research, policy and practice in the field of services to children and their families. The authors chose to explore this subject because child neglect is an over looked area of child welfare practice. Families neglect their children almost twice as frequently as they abuse their children. The four major types of maltreatment are physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse and emotional abuse. Some states also specify substance abuse or abandonment by the caretaker as an element of abuse or neglect. Although any of the forms of child maltreatment may be found separately, they often occur in combination. The most recent statements and research indicate that 860,000 children were victims of abuse and neglect in the year 2006. The consequences of neglect to children are at least as serious as the consequences of abuse. Referring back to the article statement â€Å"In 2003 1,200 children died of abuse and neglect†. These fatalities were most often the result of neglect only. According to the article 685 of child fatalities due to maltreatment involved child neglect, as compared to 50% that involved. The focus of those working in the field like Child Protective Services, affiliated agencies that can take full custody and etc. In addition because of lack of information and investigations children are maltreatment have been on abuse, due to neglected children and their families and even fatal. It is the intention of the authors to present a comprehensive view of the current state regarding child neglect issues and to offer a rationale for directing focus to this overlooked and disregarded aspect of family relationships. It is time to refocus on these families, both to assist in healing these families and given the relationship between neglect and poverty. Author Cynthia Crosson-Tower, Ph. D My Thoughts I think child abuse is worst thing a child can experience because it scars them for life. Children should be protected and loved. Sadly, this is not lways the case, millions of children are abused every year thousands will die from the abuse. The various types of abuse and neglect are never ceasing, only growing. Just like in the article families are neglecting their children twice as much as the abuse. This very shocking and shameless. Many end up being abusers themselves, or try to kill the pain with drugs and alcohol. How many kids need to commit suicide before this count ry finally stands up and says enough. The number of children sexually abused physically abused neglected or murdered is astounding. I read couple of more articles about child abuse and online sexual predators. Whether it is physical or mental, abuse is wrong. Parents who abuse children should stop and take the time to get help because the child will suffer in the end. Many children in this world die or become emotionally unstable because of abuse in the home. Only half of the victims report the abuse to authorities or family members. After all, who will stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves? We should all report any case of child abuse that we witness this way we can be saving lives. It is our responsibility to put an end to child abuse because child abuse is simply wrong, unethical, and should not be done.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Biology Osmosis Observation

Biology laboratory work: Osmosis observation Measuring the dependence of net mass gain in potato pieces on concentration of sugar solution By Jonas Kulikauskas Siauliai Didzdvaris Gymnasium Hypothesis: The more sugar in solution, the more potato mass will decrease. Aim: To see how potato mass will change at different concentration solution. Research question: How the mass of potato will change at different concentration solutions? Variables: Dependent: solution concentration.Independent: sugar concentration in potatoes. Controlled: time, potato form. Apparatus: 1. 5 plastic cups 2. Distilated water 3. Potato 4. Knife 5. Clock 6. Electronical scales (Â ±0,05) 7. Bag of sugar 8. Measuring cylinder 9. Tap water Method: Peeling down the potato and cutting it into 1cm3 cubes (25 cubes) Weighing potatoes on the scales Putting different amount of sugar into five plastic cups (1st no sugar 2nd 6,8g 3rd 13,7g 4th 20,5 5th 27,4g) Adding 100ml of water to each of the cups Mixing the sugar with waterPutting in 5 potatoes into each cup Waiting 20 minutes Pulling out the potatoes, drying them up and putting on the scales Writing down new mass. Amount of sugar in solutionSolution concentration %Cup numberMass of five cubes before(Â ±0,05g)Mass of five cubes after (Â ±0,05g) 0g0%15,8g6g 6,8g6,37%25,1g5,2g 13,7g12,05%35,5g5,3g 20,5g17. 01%45,6g5,4g 27,4g21,51%55,5g5,3g Graph: While the concentration is from 0% to 6,37% the net mass gets bigger, later on from 12,05% to 21,51% the net mass gets smaller.When the concentration is from 0% to 6,37% the net mass change is positive, when from 17. 01% to 21,51% – negative. Conclusion: The potato lost more mass as it was submerged in bigger concentration solutions because the bigger concentration difference is, the osmosis will occurs more intensively. Evaluation: I think that laboratory work went pretty well, I managed to see the differences in potato mass change and make a conclusion of it. Next time I should write down origi nal numbers and not rounded ones to give more accurate results.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Discussing two examples, analyse the way in which fashion consumption Essay

Discussing two examples, analyse the way in which fashion consumption is changing in relation to new technologies of consumption, and globalisation - Essay Example Due to the changes that come from the new technologies and globalization, the meaning attached to their clothing’s by their consumers has greatly changed. The consumers currently view their dressing styles as a reflection of their beliefs, values and an extension of their personalities. This in turn means that the choice the consumer makes and wants to be associated with enables him to propel himself or herself among her society. As a result of the globalization process their customers’ influences have changed the meaning of several of the company’s brands, values along with their standings in the global market. The demand for the designer wear that the company deals in will decrease in the near future, but the demand for their strong comfort products will continue rising since the populations’ incomes continue rising as technologies advance. The market for their designer clothing is increasing becoming volatile and disorderly due to the changes in customer needs along with desires that require to be satisfied. The volatile nature of the market results from the free flow of information that results from the globalization process. It is also facilitated by the fact that new technologies are increasingly being utilized in the production of several of their commodities. In terms of reaping the benefits of using newer technologies along with globalization, the clothing company has come up with strong and desirable products for their customers. This is all happening because the markets have in turn become more of a challenge to cope with along the high rates of competition. The process of achieving growth is becoming very difficult for the company when it comes to maintaining their uniqueness along with exclusivity as a result of their competitors’ efforts. This is besides the fact that the clothing company has the desire of growing and expanding their influence using newer technologies and their globalization efforts. Through the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Future Employment and Graduate Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Future Employment and Graduate Studies - Essay Example Contact Information (address, phone #, website, email): Reply to advertisement at Our trans-disciplinary teams in Early Childhood Services provide treatment and support to over 1,000 families each year through our community and home-based services. Trans-disciplinary teams may include Educators, Social Workers, Nurses and Speech, Physical, and Occupational Therapists   Job Description: evaluation and monitoring of children to determine physical and mental development. These professionals document activities and record information, track progress and formulate individual therapy plans. Child development specialists also work with a child’s parents to evaluate their ability to carry out the therapy plan. They may interact with parents one-on-one or in group settings. Providing counseling and bringing groups of parents together for mutual emotional support are important aspects of the child development specialist’s job. Contact Information (address, phone #, website, email): reply to advertisement at Work with families and/or children. Employers include cooperative extension; non-profit and private agencies; faith-based organizations; consumer and business agencies and organizations; and federal, state, and local government. Program focus in Child & Family Studies or in closely related fields such as s in social work, counseling, and marriage and family therapy. Name of Program and Focus: Master of Education Curriculum and Instruction – Early Childhood Education. Guides students to extend their pursuit of excellence as teachers of young

Factors influencing Language and Literacy - (4) Language Change Essay

Factors influencing Language and Literacy - (4) Language Change - Essay Example With the shift to understanding the importance of culture in teaching English as a second language, teachers are faced with new challenges when teaching adults. Language is complex, far more than just making language and grammar choices. For instance, try translating the phrase â€Å"Linguists have been interested in several aspects of language variations† into Spanish, and then translating the Spanish back to English: Los lingà ¼istas han estado interesados en varios aspectos de la variacià ³n de la lengua. The translation reads: â€Å"The linguists have been interested in various aspects of the variation of the tongue.† That might be quite true because the tongue has a great deal to do with forming words, but it isn’t the phrase that was originally translated. Translation is one of many specific factors that influence language change. What else must be taken into consideration in an analysis of change? An effort will be made to investigate factors such as cultural variation, social networking, ethnicity, communication in a family-unit and technological advances, as they relate to teaching and learning a different la nguage. Looking back at the history of the English language over the past hundred years, pronounciation, spelling and meaning have changed very little, but the number of words has greatly increased because of the industrial revolution and the advent of a technological society. Also, military history, with wars throughout the 1900s, made military language very much a part of the century (Wilton, 2005). In Great Britain, the variances of language, i.e. accent, dialect, variety and register, are especially evident in different sections of England. American English has its own regional dialects, as well as different spelling, pronounciation and meaning for many English words. In Australia, both accent and dialect, as well as several words unique to the continent, make the English language distinctive there. For people from Asian

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Korean American-Q2A Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Korean American-Q2A - Article Example Social capital just as the name suggests refers to the value of the social network in a society. Such features local churches, entrepreneurship and ethnic networks played an integral role in facilitating the settlement of Korean immigrants in the United States. Such forms of social capital cushioned the first-generation immigrants with vital resources thereby enabling them to take their children to school. Most of such families are in the middle class. However, the systematic weakening of the social capital is a vital feature responsible for the disparity in the Korean youth education. Such social networks weakened thereby leaving the modern day Korean American youths vulnerable to such social vices as racism that continue to hamper their attempt to seek education. Schools in America strive to provide a number of the basic resources. However, the number of Korean American students that drop out of high school continues to rise. Korean American children who live in poor and isolated neighborhoods continue to drop out of schools owing to the vulnerability they feel while in the schools. The schools do not provide the students with adequate support services that make settling in such schools difficult for them. Socio-economic background is yet another equally important factor that influences the receipt of education services in the country. Most of the post-1965, Korean immigrants lacked effective social capital. This exposed them to the economic forces of the country. Most of such families live in poverty and in isolated neighborhoods where they cannot access any formidable social network. Their socio-economic state makes it difficult for the youth to pursue education as most of them drop school due to the harsh social environment and the eviden t lack of resources. Such youths resort to drug abuse as most of them join the illegal trade of drugs. In retrospect,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Film critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Film critique - Essay Example It also highlights the decisions and activities that characterized the Bush administration after the September 11 incident. According to Michael Moore, the Bush administration used the tragic September 11 incident as an excuse to engage in unjust wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (Moore, 2004). The plot of the documentary revolves around the September 11 incident. This is a critical account in the history of the United States. Michael Moore pursues a very critical topic and issue in this film, expressing social, economic and political concerns that surrounded United States after the terrorist attack. This means that Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004) is centrally located in the heart of American people, thereby being likely to capture massive audience. Michael Moore successfully establishes a strong audience base by pursuing an issue that many just took as terrorist attack. To Moore, the aftermath of the attack took a new perspective that laid ground for unjust practices by Bush and his administratio n. Michael Moore’s analysis of what happened after the September 11 incident leaves so much to be desired. For this reason, the setting of the film is critically positioned. The film was produced three years after the attacks, a time when wounds were still fresh in the minds of many and the political debate of the incident was still exacerbating. This timing on this film is perfect, given that all aspects of the American life had been affected by the incident. The highlighted interviews, and the collected views and opinions of the American people show that different people had different understanding of the events that followed the attacks. In this regard, Michael Moore gets those who argue alongside his claims, as well those who dispute the claims outlined in the film. This film is, therefore, two-sided, meaning that it encompasses both propositions and oppositions to the issues raised. In other words, the tragic events that befell United States in September 11 are clearly o utlined before Moore expresses his view on the matter. After these events are highlighted, a critical evaluation of the matter is done. In so doing, the American society has wholly associated itself with part of the film in one way or another, whether they agree or disagree with Moore’s views. While Moore has successfully tried to account for what happened after the September 11 terrorist attacks, some of his views are exaggerated. While his allegations against the Bush administration are true, some of them are way too much personal. The fact that United States is the world’s superpower gives it a significant reason to engage in war at it deems necessary. Moore disputes the Bush administration’s reason to engage Afghanistan and Iraq in war, terming the action unjust (Moore, 2004). However, Osama and his terrorist group Al Qaeda admitted to carrying out the attacks. This was not the first time that Osama and his team had engaged in terrorism. Other states around the world had also experienced terrorist attacks before United States did. Even if United States could not have engaged wars in Afghanistan and Iraq on her behalf, it was right to do so, on behalf of the weaker world communities that had previously been targeted by terrorist groups. Michael Moore wrote the script to the film, and subsequently directed it. He, therefore, delivers a quality film in

Monday, September 23, 2019

Internal project management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Internal project management - Coursework Example This research seeks to explore and look into ways of shaping an effective method of managing projects inside IB - Wirth so that it can perform better and produce optimal results; and if necessary, to fill in gaps which exist and offer suggestions for improvement. The underlying motivation for choosing this topic is the fact that project management is a domain that has been gaining more and more importance today. Such value has been triggered by shifting economic conditions like globalization, the escalating competitive spirit among business enterprises, technological advances and growing customer demands and requirements - all these have led to businesses carrying out projects to attain maximum value in their products and yield better production results. In this discourse, it is hoped that the positive features of project management will be magnified, clarified and given the needed stress with the anticipation that such features will assist in the enhancement of Wirth's business practices, provide ways that would improve the engineering office' current dealings with its customers thereby giving more satisfaction and develop to the fullest the company's overall bottom line. Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction Case Company Background 5 Research Objectives 5 Significance of the Study 6 Outline of the Dissertation 6 Chapter 2 - Literature Review Definitions 7 Risk Management and its Role 8 Role of Managers 10 Effective Project Management/ Strategies 12 PM Framework 15 PM Application/Issues 16 Chapter 3 - Methodology Research Design/Strategy 17 Method of Data Collection 18 Validity and Reliability 20 Appendices 22 Bibliography 30 Chapter 1 Introduction Whether in times of economic troubles and stagnation or during periods of financial viability, it is always imperative for business organizations to "tighten their belts" and focus on rational and pragmatic objectives. Essentially, business firms must aspire for economic efficiency as their crucial goal and make such objective compelling and well-founded. To grasp this goal, all minor divisions of a business organization must therefore be cost-effective. In this treatise, these minor divisions are seen as "projects." To achieve harmony and synchronization in these projects, internal project management is necessary. Project management has surfaced as a forceful discipline carried out by well trained, professionals as business firms have come to realize that they cannot be a viable enterprise if they cannot manage their projects. However, many organizations are still limiting the application of project management to the tactical level since it is critical to for the business' continued existence to make certain that products are efficiently crafted, developed and delivered to internal and external customers. Likewise, knowledgeable organizations have long recognized the fact that project management

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Symbol of Shame Essay Example for Free

Symbol of Shame Essay Symbolism in literature is the hidden meaning in a piece of work. It is used to represent moral and/ or religious values and beliefs. As time goes on in the world, society and what makes up society changes. In today’s sense, pride is based on the individualism that one has developed. The diversity in today’s society allows for many different beliefs and social concepts. Looking back to the early years when Puritanism was an ongoing religion with many followers, tradition along with strict biblical standards were everything; but now many things have changed. The reality of change is seen in the book, The Scarlet Letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorn whereby as society changes so to does the perception of all symbolism. The metaphorical meaning of the scarlet letter changes from this symbol of shame to a powerful symbol of identity to Hester; the transformation shows the changes Hester experiences in her life. These changes bring Hester power, power to stand for who she is, power to overcome the humiliation and pain. She then finds herself able, able of becoming herself, to become a representation of an individual with a strong sense of self-empowerment. The symbolism behind the scarlet letter changes throughout the novel. Initially the letter symbolizes the sin of adultery, the crime, the punishment, the humiliation that Hester has to endure because of the strict beliefs of the puritan society. This uncivil punishment causes Hester this â€Å"dreadful agony in feeling a human eye upon the token; the spot never grew callous; it seemed, on the contrary, to grow more sensitive with daily torture. (Hawthorne, 74) At the beginning of the novel the A causes Hester much â€Å"dreadful agony† and â€Å"torture. It causes her torture to live with this permanent mark of sin on her. The A is the symbol of her pure â€Å"agony† and suffering. A change of heart comes; Hester alters its meaning through the hard work she does in the town. Society begins to recognize that the scarlet letter has now begun to represent not sin, but holiness and righteousness instead of the unforgiving sin and â€Å"dreadful agony. † Some people now began to think that the letter stands for Able since Hester is such an able, individualistic and, powerful woman. This change in the A is caused by the perception that people have: this change enables Hester to stand up for herself to be an â€Å"Able† woman. It has the effect of the cross on a nun’s bosom. It imparted to the wearer a kind of sacredness, which enabled her to walk securely amid all peril, had she fallen among thieves, it would have kept her safe (135). The A is now a representation for sacredness and holiness. For Hawthorne to go from saying that the letter represents sin to representing holiness is a large step but is capable because of the strength and individual power Hester has gained thought the novel. For Hester the letter was meant for punishment but brought Hester sacredness, it brought Hester power, redemption and glory. The puritan society in the book Scarlet Letter is portrayed as a place of unchanging tradition and strict rules based upon religion. Those who went against society were punished strictly and looked down upon by the towns’ people. As time went on, those strict punishments turned into a source of identity to those who committed these cases of sin. The changes over taking the society are changing the metaphorical meaning of the scarlet letter, the â€Å"letter [first] was a representation of stigma in which attracted the world’s scorn and bitterness, [but then] became a type of something to be sorrowed over, and looked upon with awe, and yet with reverence†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (206). The transformation of the scarlet letter from this â€Å"scornfulness and bitterness† to this sense of something to be sorrowed over something, to awe over, shows the metaphorical transformation of Hester. From at first Hester being this representation of sin and Hester seeing the letter as a symbol of unjust humiliation; to where Hester takes control of her own identity, and in doing so becomes an example for others to follow by. She is not the example of sin that was once set upon her, but now an example of redemption and self-empowerment. The power of individualism allowed for Hester to become her own representation of self- power and control. The transformation of the scarlet letter from this repulsion of sin to this case of respect metaphorically represents Hester’s own changes from her embarrassment and anger to her sense of redemption. The scarlet letter has a metaphorical representation of Hester’s actual self. The reality of change is seen in the book whereby as society changes so to does the perception of all symbolism. These changes allow for Hester to become herself, it enables Hester to have this sense of pride instead of embarrassment and agony. The metaphorical meaning of the scarlet letter changes from this symbol of shame to a powerful symbol of identity to Hester; the transformation shows the changes Hester experiences in her life. Along with time comes change, not always in a good sense but it’s what one makes of the situation to where it becomes good or bad. Hester first is in agony and feels as if she is getting tortured, but then becomes determined; she finds that in order to get free of this pain she must become powerful. She is not the example of sin that once caused her pain, but now she is an example of redemption and self-empowerment. You can always find something good in life no matter the situation, you just have to make change, look at the positive and turn anything negative into redemption. Look past at what you’ve done and strive yourself to become better.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The History Of The Uncertainty Avoidance Sociology Essay

The History Of The Uncertainty Avoidance Sociology Essay In many international countries such as Britain, intercultural communication takes place. This is all about the interpersonal interaction between members of different groups, which differ from each other in respect of the knowledge shared by their members and in respect of their linguistic forms of symbolic behaviour'(Karlfried Knapp 1978). It can be analysed to prove that there are many different ways in which the world works, in order to show how intercultural communication happens in day-to-day life. Although this report is going to be evaluating four of them which are, high context/low context, individualism/collectivism, uncertainty avoidance and masculinity/femininity. High context/low context is a type of cultural coordination that can be understood in various ways. This image shows the majority of the countries on a scale ranging from high to low context. Whatever the situation may be at hand, high context cultures depends on their speech and behaviour. This is explained as a theory from Hofstede (1980) stating that, high context conversations consist of the sender pre-planning what they have to say, in order for the receiver to understand. There is evidence in China of this, because before they meet up, all of their discussions take place beforehand. Once they have met, which is officially known as a ceremony; they would make whatever they spoke about beforehand approved. On the other hand, in low context conversations, the sender may say there dialogue in short-form, although the receiver would still understand. In contrast to China, America and Germany dont have a discussion beforehand, but inform the participants in the meeting. Generally in high context cultures, information is carried out through body language. From this, people are likely to understand the discussion without much explanation. In some cultures, looking at people in the eye is normally used for people to have a straight forward dialogue. A good example of a high-context experience would be the Japanese tea ceremony. As shown in this image (Copyright  © 1990 by Japan National Tourist Organisation), this is a traditional cultural activity; therefore everybody who takes part knows what to do. Also the shared experience shows that every citizen would know what is included i.e. the tea house, the flower arrangement, the calligraphy scroll, and the ceramics. (F.E. Jandt, 2001).context.gif (550ÃÆ'-185) Also, individuals in the Arab culture feel that if they use too little eye-contact in their conversations, they may find it impolite. Conversely in the USA, the best way to bond with people is to have eye-contact with them. Even in the English culture, a certain amount of eye contact is essential, but too much makes people uncomfortable. Problems often occur when workers from high and low context cultures, have a work-related conversation with each other. This may happen as citizens from high-context cultures familiarise themselves to their families, friends and close colleagues. In this group, everyone knows what is going on, as they regularly communicate and exchange information about everything. On the other hand, in low-context cultures the people do not get along with others in their daily life. So therefore they do not get a chance, to go out and meet new people like citizens from high-context cultures. Also, they are never able to create a close relationship with the people they meet, as their conversations happen in a long-winded way. In professional situations they only talk about the necessary information that is needed in order to complete the job; this doesnt happen constantly. When dealing with people from a high or low-context culture, each person has to notice the origin culture of the speaker. This is to be able to avoid any confusion, and it allows everybody to have longer or future conversations. Individualism/Collectivism Individualism/Collectivism is the concept of how people make important and useful decisions. A decision can be made in two ways, either as a group (collectivism) or as an individual (individualism). The main difference between the two would be that, in an individualistic cultures, people are supposed to look after themselves and their immediate family only, while in collectivistic cultures, people belong to in groups or collectivities which are supposed to look after them in exchange for loyalty (Hofstede Bond, 1984, p.419). Although nowadays, Masakazu (1994) defines modern individualism as a view of humanities that justifies inner beliefs and unilateral self-assertion, as well as competition based on these. An example of an individualistic culture would be people in the USA; they are likely to only take care of themselves and their direct family. Normally to be able to create a close relationship, you would like to know more about the persons personal life i.e.: their occupation, their achievements in life, where they live etc. Although, this doesnt occur in individualist cultures, as surveys show that the most unique and everlasting characteristics of the United States character are independence and individuality. The country also allows citizens in the country to have the freedom to be an individual, which is what their passion is. In theory Patterson (1991) has believed that this passion is related to the countrys history of slavery. In contrast, collectivistic cultures mainly look after other people and understand their characteristics (Gudykunst, Gao, Nishida, et al., 1992). They also try to avoid situations where they hurt people, either physically or mentally (Kim, 1994). This may be because in collectivist cultures, they expect people to fit into groups. Lets start by unpacking the concept of collectivism and its ideological counterpoint individualism. In simplest terms collectivist societies place the primacy of the group over the primacy of the individual, vice-versa for individualist societies. Archetypal examples of collectivist societies include communist China and Russia, and Scandinavian countries with strong social services programs. Examples of archetypal individualist societies include the United States, Japan, and Germany. Of course, this is all a massive oversimplification of a complex concept. In reality, levels collectivism break down over political, social, educational, and even technological dimensions. A country might be highly collectivist in one dimension, and not at all in another, or it might comprise various sub-cultures that are far more or less collectivist that the country taken as a whole. Notwithstanding the breadth and depth of this subject, I want to focus on a few particular facets of Moroccan culture th at most powerfully indicate the presence of a collectivist mentality: meal consumption, the educational system, and received wisdom. Examples of collectivism in social interactions abound, but one of the most obvious is in food preparation and consumption. With very few exceptions, meals are eaten out of a large common dish, using bread as utensils. Vegetables and sauce are eaten first, and meat is eaten last, often divided up by the person who cooked the meal to ensure an equitable share for each participant. This is an easy contrast to western eating, where individual portions, utensils, and ever increasingly, individual meals are the norm. Moroccan families will almost always wait for all members of the family to arrive before eating. If you are anywhere in the  vicinity  of a meal as it starts, you will inevitably be invited to eat. Every invitation that you get to join a person or a family for a meal is absolutely sincere, and they will expect you to come. These examples point to the prevalence of collectivism on a the level of an individual or a family, but collectivism in Morocco is equally prevalent in the aggregate, and sometimes with less copacetic results. An example of this culture would be in Japan. In this society people are dependent on one another, which is the main indication that shows that Japan is a collectivistic culture. Groups are formed in which citizens will hold onto all the way through their lives. It would also be their back-up and protection for whenever they are in need for unquestioning dependability. This brings a joy to the group, as well as the need to connect with others. This has a great importance as the difference can be defined with what is said in public and the truth. wrong Nevertheless, people in individualistic cultures apply the same standards to everything whilst relating to everything and everybody. This is compared to collectivistic culture citizens, who treat member of their in and out groups with different value standards. Individualistic culture members are more worried with the simplicity of their conversations (Kim, 1994) and view this as an important issue for effective communication (Kim Wilson, 1994) compared to collectivistic cultures. Another comparison between both types of cultures, is that individualistic people notice direct requests as their most effective strategy in order to complete their goals, while members of collective cultures are the opposite (Kim Wilson, 1994). In completion, it can be understood that the stress in individualistic societies is based on the individuals personal goals and achievements, whereas the complete opposite is the where the stress is based on belonging to groups in collectivistic cultures. Uncertainty avoidance Uncertainty avoidance looks at a degree to which cultures feel defenceless due to doubtful situations, also the point to which they try to avoid these. It shows that to a certain point a culture pushes their members out of their comfort zone, to be able to see how they deal in situations which are unknown, surprising and different from usual. Uncertainty avoidance can either be high or low. The main difference is that, citizens normally show their emotions more in high compared to low uncertainty avoidance cultures. This may be because in low uncertainty avoidance cultures, people have lower stress levels as well as they dont mind either disagreeing or taking risks compared to people in high uncertainty avoidance cultures. Uncertainty avoiding cultures have a chance of reducing the chance of any risky situations happening. This is by having strict laws and rules, which have safety and secure measures. An example of high-uncertainty avoidance country would be France. This is because their organisations approve having strong establishments and in general discourage risk taking activities taking place. On the other hand, Britain and Norway are countries which have low-uncertainty avoidance. They will follow a more flexible structure and encourage people to have diverse views. In the Uncertainty avoidance by Country graph (Appendix 1), it shows 12 countries and how much uncertainty avoidance there is in each country. It can be analysed, to be able work out that U.S.A is known to be highly debateable so that is why they have a low rank of 46 on uncertainty avoidance. Even though India is less avoidant of uncertainty compared to U.S.A, they still have scored a reasonably high score of 52. Interestingly, of the G-8 countries, only Canada (48) and the U.K. (35) had relatively low scores like the U.S.A. On the other hand, Russia (95), Japan (92), and France (86) were out of the range, when comparing to other countries as they have scored extremely high for uncertainty avoidance. Masculinity/femininity In all of the countries around the world, everybody has an opinion about gender inequality. Always questioning themselves as to why there may be more masculine or feminine. Therefore it can always be identified, that in every culture and society around the world there is a gender disproportion. In general, it is normally specified that some responsibilities or jobs are assigned to women. Even in religious ways, allocation of different social responsibilities goes to men and women. Not just in family households, the whole social system becomes a characteristic, as it leads to unequal distribution of control, respect and properties. It shows that in principals, everybody cares about this situation compared to showing their concern for individuals and their quality of life. In other words, Masculinity is the opposite of femininity; together, they form one of the dimensions of national cultures. Masculinity stands for a society which social gender roles are dearly distinct: men are suppo sed to be more modest, tender, and concerned with the quality of life. (Source: Hofstede, page 262). A main example would be India and Malaysia. Between these two countries, India has a high male portion of citizens in their society, compared to Malaysia who has a high female portion. In these cultures, one gender is normally controlled by the other. There is known to be six types of gender inequality which are; mortality, natality, basic facilities, ownership, household and special opportunity. One of the main types of gender inequality is to do with basic facilities. In India, boys have a greater opportunity of having an education compared to girls. Girls are also unable to showcase their talent and also take part in social events that take place within the community. Not just in these sorts of situations, parents also favour their sons to enter higher education. In their opinion, this may because they believe their sons need to earn a good education to be able to take care of their future families. Also for future families, ladies are expected to be a good housewife, but this doesnt need a lot of knowledge, as they are able to study this information from their mother. Even if women try to finish their studies, they are only able to continue on, with the condition that they must come from a rich family. Alternatively, in Malaysia their cultures are more caring. As in their education system, women and men are allowed to have an education, yet anybody can be defeated in the act. This shows that based on Malaysian culture, gender unfairness does not exist. Another type of gender inequality is to do with household work. As in India, it is mainly known for men to go to work and earn a living, and then for women to stay at home looking after their children and do the housework. This is a disadvantage, as women will never get the chance to be able to experience the outside world. This links from the fact that, they are unable to have an education as well. Then again in femininity countries such as Malaysia, women have the freedom to be able to choose the jobs that they favour. Also, they are capable to gain more experience, by furthering their studies whilst overseas. Elsewhere, when it comes to housework, men also share the load. This helps the family a lot, as both parents are able to work and help with the financial matters. Conclusion Overall, it is essential to understand that there are many differences in people who come from other cultures. The main difference is that in all the countries around the world, there may be an issue with cultural coordination, how people make important and useful decisions in their life, how people may feel doubtful in various situations and the way gender inequality occurs. It can be understood that a role of individualism-collectivism is low-and high-context communication. (Gudykunst Ting-Toomey, 1988). Also when looking at gender inequality, pain is more familiar for people in masculine cultures compared to feminine cultures (Gudykunst Ting-Toomey, 1988). Therefore, everybody must be careful whilst having a gathering with people. This is because by not knowing what culture they come from, problems may occur easily due to the way the person communicates, their attitude towards conflict, the way they make decisions and the how they approach to knowing about life. Appendices

Friday, September 20, 2019

Transformation of Rev. Arthur Dimmesdale in Hawthornes The Scarlet Let

The Scarlet Letter:   The Transformation of Rev. Dimmesdale "Life is hard, but accepting that fact makes it easier." This common phrase clearly states a harsh fact that Rev. Dimmesdale, a character in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, had to face. In this story of deception and adultery set in the Puritan era, Hawthorne introduces Dimmesdale as a weak and cowardly man who refuses to take responsibility for his actions.   The Rev. Dimmesdale is a transitional character in that he is, at the beginning of the novel, outwardly good but inwardly deceitful and by the end of the novel he becomes both outwardly and inwardly truthful.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At the beginning of the novel, Dimmesdale has established quite a reputation for himself.   In discussing individual members of the magistrate, the towns people describe Dimmesdale as a "God fearing" gentleman, "but merciful overmuch (49)". Due to his actions all of the people respect and look up to the Reverend.   Throughout the story, Dimmesdale desperately tries to confess, envying Hester, for her courage, he says, "Happy are you Hester, that wear the scarlet letter openly upon your bosom† (188)!   Even at the end of the novel, when finally attempting to confess, people are compelled by his final sermon, raving that "never had a man spoken in so wise, so high, and so holy a spirit, as he that spake this day† (243).  Ã‚   Proving that he was a very loved and influential man in the small town.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In further developing Dimmesdale's character, Hawthorne portrays him as a hypocrite.   His outward demeanor deceives the villagers, appearing as a completely holy man.   However, before the action of the novel begins, he stumbles into sin, by committing adultery with Hester Pryn... ...and a character other than Dimmesdale could not have painted such a vivid, and memorable picture in one's mind.    1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Great thesis statement !!! 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Your conclusion paragraph should be more detailed. Restate in just a few sentences the points that you made in your paper and what conclusions you have drawn from those points. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When quoting, the parentheses, which hold the page number, should come after the quotation marks and the punctuation should come after the parentheses.   An example of a correctly cited quote would be â€Å"A spell was broken† (251). Instead of â€Å"a spell was broken (251)†. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Also be careful of run-on sentences.   Let your sentences contain only one or two ideas, not three or four.   Do not over-use semicolons or colons, use a period instead. Transformation of Rev. Arthur Dimmesdale in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Let The Scarlet Letter:   The Transformation of Rev. Dimmesdale "Life is hard, but accepting that fact makes it easier." This common phrase clearly states a harsh fact that Rev. Dimmesdale, a character in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, had to face. In this story of deception and adultery set in the Puritan era, Hawthorne introduces Dimmesdale as a weak and cowardly man who refuses to take responsibility for his actions.   The Rev. Dimmesdale is a transitional character in that he is, at the beginning of the novel, outwardly good but inwardly deceitful and by the end of the novel he becomes both outwardly and inwardly truthful.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At the beginning of the novel, Dimmesdale has established quite a reputation for himself.   In discussing individual members of the magistrate, the towns people describe Dimmesdale as a "God fearing" gentleman, "but merciful overmuch (49)". Due to his actions all of the people respect and look up to the Reverend.   Throughout the story, Dimmesdale desperately tries to confess, envying Hester, for her courage, he says, "Happy are you Hester, that wear the scarlet letter openly upon your bosom† (188)!   Even at the end of the novel, when finally attempting to confess, people are compelled by his final sermon, raving that "never had a man spoken in so wise, so high, and so holy a spirit, as he that spake this day† (243).  Ã‚   Proving that he was a very loved and influential man in the small town.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In further developing Dimmesdale's character, Hawthorne portrays him as a hypocrite.   His outward demeanor deceives the villagers, appearing as a completely holy man.   However, before the action of the novel begins, he stumbles into sin, by committing adultery with Hester Pryn... ...and a character other than Dimmesdale could not have painted such a vivid, and memorable picture in one's mind.    1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Great thesis statement !!! 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Your conclusion paragraph should be more detailed. Restate in just a few sentences the points that you made in your paper and what conclusions you have drawn from those points. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When quoting, the parentheses, which hold the page number, should come after the quotation marks and the punctuation should come after the parentheses.   An example of a correctly cited quote would be â€Å"A spell was broken† (251). Instead of â€Å"a spell was broken (251)†. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Also be careful of run-on sentences.   Let your sentences contain only one or two ideas, not three or four.   Do not over-use semicolons or colons, use a period instead.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

An Analysis of the Declaration of Independence :: American History

An Analysis of the Declaration of Independence By understanding the framework of time that the Declaration of Independence was written in, we can see its impact upon the peoples of early America and how they dealt with this famous writing. This paper will explain the basic ideas contained in the Declaration of Independence, the impact of the Declaration upon the American War of Independence, and the reasons the Declaration was considered a "radical document". These themes will be discussed and analyzed to demonstrate the premise of the Declaration of Independence, as well as to explain why and how it worked within the time it was written in. When Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, he foresaw the coming of great changes within the times that he lived in. The Declaration embodied many of the ideas that separated the colonies from England and thus began the process of creating a new country out of the fray. One of the ideas that Jefferson wrote about was the freedom of religion. This was a core idea that made the basis of a republican society work, via separation of church and state. This caused many schisms in the many faiths that were already implanted in the colonies. Moreover, it took a long time to separate the church from the state because of the old foundations set by England. Jefferson set the trend for freedom in this writing to give everyone a fair chance to be â€Å"whomever they wanted to be regardless of race, creed or religion† (Zinn p.77). Another idea entrenched in the Declaration of Independence is that men should not be subject to the hierarchy that was the foundation for a monarchical government -- such as the one that England had used unsuccessfully with the colonists in the new world. A king could do as he pleased and thus wreaked havoc within the colonies by taxing without representation. This started the whole â€Å"windfall of rebellion by the colonists from the North to the South† (Maier p.236). Jefferson wrote that all people were created equal -- and this was the great democracy that he and others envisioned in their time. Jefferson believed that the English form of governing was no longer the acceptable way for a human to be treated and this was the basis for him to ink the Declaration against primogeniture and other forms of â€Å"special† treatment for Lords who governed the colonies so poorly through the influence of King George the III.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Emily Dickinsons Use of Nature Essay -- essays papers

Emily Dickinsons Use of Nature Dickinson’s Use of Nature Emily Dickinson uses nature as a major theme in a lot of her poetry. Quite often, Dickinson overlaps the theme of nature with the theme of death as well as love and sexuality, which were the other major themes in her work. Dickinson describes nature in many different ways. She uses is to describe her surroundings and what she sees as well as a metaphor for other themes. In Dickinson’s poem, â€Å"A narrow Fellow in the Grass†, she describes a snake moving through the grass. Dickinson writes, â€Å"A narrow Fellow in the Grass/ Occasionally rides-/ You may have met him- did you not/ His notice sudden is-/ The Grass divides as with a Comb-†. She describes the shape of the snake, narrow, and how it would be a familiar animal to most people. She goes on to explain what it looks like to see the snake sliding its way through the grass. Dickinson also describes how the snake sneaks up on her. They go almost unnoticed until they are right in front of you because they are so sneaky, low to the ground and so quiet. Dicki...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Women in Psychology Paper

Women have made many contributions to the advancement of psychology, many of which have gone without notice until recent times, and some of which still goes unidentified in the field of psychology. The mention of women in the early development of psychology usually refers to them as minor contributors to a field that at one time was predominantly dominated by men. â€Å"Women of the time were subject to gender and martial prejudice† (Stipkovich, 2011). One such women who thrived in the field of psychology despite of and greatly due to the discrimination women experienced in the 1900’s is Leta Hollingworth.According to â€Å"Stipkovich (2011)†, â€Å"The remarkable path Leta Hollingworth’s life took her was instrumental in becoming a significant figure in the history of psychology of woman† (Contributions to the field of Psychology). Background Born Leta Anna Stetter, in May of 1886 in Nebraska, she was the oldest of three children. Raised on her gra ndparent’s farm after her mother’s death and fathers abandonment following the birth of her youngest sibling. â€Å"Leta Stetter received her early formal education in a one-room log schoolhouse, an education she later described as â€Å"excellent in every respect† (Miller, R.1990, para. 4). Leta graduated high school in 1902, at the age of 15 she was one of eight students in the class. In high school Leta showed a talent for creative writing which she was encouraged to develop in college. Leta enrolled and attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, â€Å"where she quickly achieved a campus reputation in literature and creative writing and was designated Class Poet of the Class of 1906† (Miller, R. 1990, p. 145). While attending the university Leta met and became engaged to classmate Harry Levi Hollingworth.Harry graduated from the university before Leta and decided to do his graduate studies in New York at Columbia University, Leta stayed in Nebraska to finish her undergraduate work and graduated in 1906. Unable to start a career in writing as she originally intended due to financial problems, Leta took a teaching position in Nebraska and later joined Harry in New York the two were married on December 31, 1908. Leta attempted to get a job as a teacher in New York but was denied based solely on her marital status. â€Å"This was a very frustrating circumstance for the talented and educated graduate and led to the questioning of the role women play in  society† (Stipkovich, 2011).Over time Leta went on to complete her graduate studies at Columbia receiving an M. A. in 1913, Ph. D. 1916. While completing her studies in educational psychology at Columbia Leta had an opportunity to work directly with Edward Lee Thorndike. According to Stipkovich (2011), â€Å"With the environment finally allowing her to explore her academic interests, and questions about her own existence as a married woman, she pursued the study of womenâ €™s psychology and new interests in giftedness and intelligence† (A little Background). Theoretical perspectiveLeta became interested in psychology after questioning women’s inferiority to men. After researching the works of other psychologist she found only one assertion that could be tested scientifically. This assertion was commonly known as the â€Å"variability hypothesis,† (Benjamin, L. , 1990 p. 147). Held, L. (2010), states â€Å"The variability hypothesis posited that men exhibit greater variation than women on both physical and psychological traits, in essence suggesting that men occupied both the highest and lowest ends of the spectrum on any trait and women were doomed to mediocrity† (para.4).In order to disprove this hypothesis Leta did some research at the Clearinghouse for Mental Defectives â€Å"Hollingworth believed societal roles accounted for the differences, not innate differences† (Held, L. 2010 p. 3). She conducted an exper iment over a three month time period on both men and women from a behaviorist perspective which essential proved there was no decrease in women’s performance during the course of their cycle. While teaching at Columbia Leta started to express an interest in the study of exceptional children.While working with these children she discovered most of them were averagely intelligent but suffered from adjustment problems due to adolescents. In 1928 Leta published â€Å"The Psychology of the Adolescent† once again done from a behaviorist perspective further research should children with high intellect could be problem children, causing her to ask what special programs have been developed for them in public schools? (Benjamin, L. , 1990). â€Å"She worked on assessment tools for early identification of the intellectually gifted, and inevitably her work led her to the development of educational methods for these children† Benjamin, L., 1990).Contributions to the field of psychology Leta Hollingworth is a contributor to three specific fields of psychology. Leta’s recognition of the challenges faced by women set precedent to a new field of psychology: the psychology of women. Barbaro (2002), â€Å"Because of her work, future women would not have to deal with unchecked acquisitions of innate mediocrity or menstrual disability in their pursuit of scientific eminence† (Contributions to Psychology).In 1921 Leta Hollingworth was cited in â€Å"American Men of Science† for her research on the psychology of women (Held, L. 2010 p. 15). The other field of psychology Leta Hollingworth was a great contributor to the psychology of the exceptional child which led to her much known involvement and influence in school psychology. Due to her studies on the gifted children she was able to develop methods to recognize gifted children and aide in the development of a school curriculum better meeting their needs.Hollingworth’s writings on gi fted children, special education, adolescence, and mental retardation were inspirational for over twenty years (Miller, R. , 1990). In clinical psychology she disproved the â€Å"variability hypothesis† her examination on both male and female infant craniums proved that while the males were slightly larger if a difference in variability existed it favored females (Held, L. 2010 p. 4). After the disproving of the â€Å"variability hypothesis† Leta Hollingworth worked in the field of clinical psychology part-time for twenty years.Other contribution to psychology are noted publishing’s such as â€Å"Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture† (1926) this book was based on the results of her study on gifted children and â€Å"Children Above 180 IQ† (1942) this was Leta Hollingworth’s last publication and was completed after her death by her husband, Harry L. Hollingworth (Held, L. 2010 p. 7). Conclusion Leta Hollingworth was a women extraordinary for her time. She not let her troublesome childhood prevent her from gaining an education instead she used her less than perfect up bring to develop a talent in creative writing.When she found herself unable to work doing what at the time seemed like her natural calling she went on to teach, only to find her marital status would prevent her from doing so. This turning point in her life was discouraging but, with the support of her husband went on to gain an education, and dismantle one of the theories that prevent her and other women of her time from equal treatment. Leta went on from their developing not only one but three types of psychology that had not yet been explored in-depth, the psychology of women, educational psychology, and the psychology of the gifted child.Her work in the field of psychology not only furthered the field it changed the way women were looked upon, and the education of children both gifted and non-gifted. Instead of becoming a victim of her era she went on to become a pioneering female psychologist of her time â€Å"were she to observe contemporary society, she would be gravely disappointed that in the past 50 years there has been so little progress in changing societal attitudes toward the gifted, and that women, particularly gifted women, still face so many impediments to achievement and recognition† (Silverman, L. K. 1992 p. 11).

Monday, September 16, 2019

An In-Depth Analysis of David Suzuki Essay

With a booming voice David Suzuki broadcasted to the world; â€Å"The human brain now holds the key to our future. We have to recall the image of the planet from outer space; a single entity in which air, water, and continents are interconnected. That is our home† (as cited in Huggan, 2008, p. 188). This quotation of Suzuki is very insightful to his personality as it displays the seriousness and passion that he places on protecting the environment and his belief that humans are the key to saving our planet. At the age of 76 he has many accomplishments: a vast and encompassing education, a 30-year broadcasting career, and developing a successful foundation. In order to achieve such success Suzuki had to be an effective leader, he did this through his confidence, locus of control, intelligence, Theory X leading and utilizing his personal power. Suzuki is an outstanding teacher; he attains this through being an exceptional leader. On March 24 in 1936 in the port city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Sestu and Kaoru gave birth to a beautiful baby boy: David Suzuki. It was unknown at the time what a monumental day this was for the world. In years to come, Suzuki would flourish to be a prominent activist and environmentalist. Suzuki’s growth into his leadership roll took years of education. In 1961 he completed a PhD in Zoology from the University of Chicago. Following his education he authored 52 books. Among these books was the famous textbook â€Å"Introduction to Genetic Analysis† which was published in 1976 (Huggan, 2008, p. 188). The textbook was so successful it was translated into seven other languages: Italian, Spanish, Greek, Indonesian, Arabic, French, and German. Alongside his writing career, Suzuki has also been a very successful broadcaster. He started on the television show Suzuki on Science, where he educated children on biological and environmental sciences. He continued to do radio shows as well as television. In 1979, Suzuki hosted the very popular television series The Nature of Things which was viewed in over 40 nations. Through this series Suzuki was able to bring light to a great number of serious issues and educate people on environmental concerns. In 1985 the hit series A Planet for the Taking averaged 1.8 million views per episode providing him with a large audience to warn the many flaws in society. Over the past thirty years of broadcasting, Suzuki has become a well know â€Å"Canadian campaigner and activist† (Huggan, 2008, p. 188). 2 Not only is Suzuki a successful writer and broadcaster, but in 1990 he launched the David Suzuki Foundation. His foundation is one of his most recognized humanitarian accomplishments. The mission of the foundation is to â€Å"protect the diversity of nature and humanity’s quality of life† (Huggan, 2008, p. 188). It is through the phenomenal work of this foundation that David Suzuki became â€Å"recognized as a world leader in sustainable ecology† (Huggan, 2008, p. 188). The foundation has had many projects focusing on climate change, health, wildlife and habitat, and fresh water. Suzuki is always expressive about his vision for his children and grandchildren’s worlds. Through the foundation, he is trying to create â€Å"sustainability with in a generation† (Marchant, 2008, p. 44). Suzuki wants everyone to take ownership for his or her actions and the effect they will have on the future. The theory that he preaches is that if we can make our own generation sustainable, and each generation does the same, then the world will flourish and all our descendants will have a future (Marchant, 2008, p. 44). The David Suzuki Foundation is still growing at an exponential rate 22 years after its conception. A leader can possess many qualities, traits, and styles. David Suzuki demonstrates successful leadership as he directs the public and his organization along the path of saving the environment. Of the nine traits of effective leadership, he clearly displays self-confidence, locus of control, integrity, and intelligence. Suzuki is a Theory X leader who uses personal power to influence his followers. Suzuki’s self-confidence is evident through his style of speech. Through his bold style and particular choice in words his â€Å"self assurance in [his] judgement† is evident (Lussier & Achua, 2011, p. 38). When asked about the future by Rothschild, he bravely stated that â€Å"if there are still human beings around, they’ll curse us for two things: nuclear weapons and TV† (2008, p. 53). His conviction and belief in the possibility of humans being extinct proves the confidence he has in his judgement of the destructive path the world is on. Suzuki’s assurance is also very evident when he refers to himself later in the interview as being part of the â€Å"most distinguished group of scientists† (as cited in Rothschild, 2008, p. 53). This is a very clear demonstration of his confidence. In a 2003 interview with David Leibl, Suzuki made the brash statement that â€Å"if we carry on it is going to get a hell of a lot worse† (p. 18). Through his word choice of ‘hell’, you can feel his pure conviction and strength behind his words. In all the speeches given by Suzuki his confidence seeps out of every word, this makes him an easy man to trust and follow. The traits of Suzuki’s locus of control and integrity are both very prominent by the way he takes ownership as a part of the environment’s degradation. When discussing the current climate he does not exclude himself from everyone but uses statements such as; â€Å"if we don’t make the right decisions now, we’re going to determine the future of humanity† (as cited in Rothschild, 2008, p. 53). In this statement, he includes both himself and the public as part of the problem. This demonstrates an internal locus of control by stating that people’s actions produce the future outcome. According to Lussier and Achua (2011), integrity is closely related to honesty (p. 39). When speaking with Leibl, Suzuki stated †Å"we depend on clean air, clean water, clean soil and clean energy† (2003, p. 18). This raw statement displays his honesty through its simplicity and lack of embellishment. By being clear and factual his sincerity and truthfulness is incredibly visible; this builds trust in his followers and allows Suzuki to be the effective leader that he is. In order to be a successful leader, one must be knowledgeable. The â€Å"cognitive ability to think critically† is Lussier and Achua’s definition of intelligence as it pertains to leadership (2011, p. 40). Suzuki is a great leader because his extensive education. As an academic, Suzuki comprehends the scientific world and all of its current research, however his intelligence extends beyond that and allows him to portray all that he learns in a straightforward way to the public. In discussion with Leibl, Suzuki states that â€Å"we’ve changed the biological and physical make up of the plant† (2003, p. 18). Through this simple sentence he was able to convey the severity of the research in a way everyone could understand. He is able to apply environmental science to real life problems and educate the public. Suzuki’s intelligence is also apparent through his frustration that the public â€Å"no longer thinks about the interconnectedness of everything† (as cited in Leibl, 2003, p. 18). As an environmentally conscience and intelligent figure, he considers all his choices and their effect on the bigger picture. Before getting into his car to drive to the store, Suzuki considers the ramifications then decides to ride his bicycle (Leibl, 2003, p. 18). Through his understanding of the scientific world and his ability to translate it to the public Suzuki’s intelligence is an essential asset to his leading capabilities. Suzuki leads with a slightly more traditional style. He has a â€Å"negative, pessimistic view† of his followers, which is Lussier and Achua’s definition of a Theory X leader (2011, p. 110). Suzuki’s little respect for others’ intelligence is evident by his exclamation that â€Å"limitless resources are a fools dream† after Marchant presented him with an economist’s prediction of space being a future resource (2008, p. 44). He then proceeded to explain his theory of preserving our current environment. His complete disregard for an alternative plan proves Suzuki’s feelings of superiority to his followers and need to micromanage the tasks. In another instant, Suzuki questions the scientific competency of Americans. He stated, â€Å"the fact that in America you’re still arguing over issues like intelligent design versus evolution is a sign of scientific illiteracy† (as cited in Rothschild, 2008, p. 53). Suzuki’s statement was both disrespectful and pessimistic toward the Americans. Suzuki is very progressive when attacking environmental issues, however his leading style reflects his age as he is a traditional Theory X leader. When leading, one must have influence over his or her followers. Suzuki uses personal power to control and motivate his followers. His authority derives from his persona, as â€Å"charismatic leaders have personal power† (Lussier & Achua, 2011, p 110). A typical tactic of influential speaking is to use repetition. When interviewed by Marchant, Suzuki said â€Å"let’s look ahead a generation. Let’s imagine a Canada where air is clean†¦.Let’s imagine a Canada covered in forest† (2008, p. 45). His speech was very charismatic through its positive uplifting nature, the repetition, as well as through the inclusive ‘let’s’. Another proven tactic of creating influence is to build community with your followers. When speaking with Rothschild, Suzuki claimed â€Å"I’m one person. I’m not going to save the world and change its direction. But if there are millions and millions of insignificant people like me †¦ there could be a irresistible force† (2008, p. 53). This declaration is very significant as is binds people through creating a mutual goal and builds momentum behind his cause. Through his use of repetition, community building, and uplifting word selection, Suzuki’s charisma is evident. With a deep routed passion, Suzuki tackles environmental issues though educating the public of the changes they must make. In his lifetime, he has achieved greatness through his extensive education, 30-year broadcasting career, and developing a thriving foundation. Suzuki excels as a leader because of his confidence, locus of control, intelligence, Theory X leading, and demonstrating hi s personal power. References Huggan, G. (2008). Suzuki on Suzuki. Canadian Literature, (197), 188-189. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Leibl, D. (2003). The Venerable David Suzuki. Canadian Dimension, 37(1), 18. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Lussier, R. N., & Achua, D. B. A. (2011). Leadership (Custom Edition). Toronto: Nelson Education. Marchant, J. (2008). Special beyond growth: Interview with David Suzuki. New Scientist, 199(2678), 44-45. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Rothschild, M. (2011). David Suzuki. Progressive, 74(12), 53-54. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Heart Attack Essay

The heart is a large, hollow organ made of muscle that has four chambers: 2 upper chambers and 2 lower chambers. The upper chambers take in blood, while the lower chambers pump out blood through your whole body. A network of arteries and veins help to carry the blood throughout your body. Your heartbeat is controlled by an internal electrical system that sends signals from the right upper chamber to the left upper chamber, and then down to the lower chambers. Sometimes the heart can develop problems that prevent it from working properly. One example is a heart attack, which you suffered. This pamphlet will explain the factors that led to the heart attack, and what changes you can make in your lifestyle to prevent another heart attack. One factor that can cause a heart attack is high blood pressure. This condition occurs because of fatty substances building up in your arteries. As more fat builds up, the artery gets blocked, reducing the blood that can flow through it. This reduced blood flow causes the heart to not get enough oxygen, causing the heart attack to occur. A second factor is cholesterol. There is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. When you have a very high level of bad cholesterol in your blood, it leads to a build up of plaque in your arteries. This build up can lead to blockage and hardening of your arteries. A third factor is smoking. Smoking increases the rate of your heartbeat, causes your blood vessels to become too narrow, and can lead to high blood pressure. The carbon monoxide inhaled while smoking reduces the oxygen in the blood. All these things make the heart work harder to pump blood through the body. The factors leading to your heart attack, artery blockage and fat accumulation, were corrected. The blocked artery was opened up through the insertion of a balloon, which expanded the artery to allow for easier blood flow. As for the fat accumulation, that can be reduced through changes in your diet. These diet changes can be discussed with your doctor during your next visit. The ultimate goal is to reduce the chance of another heart attack.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The AtekPC Project Management Office Essay

The Atek PC Project Management Office Case Study was assigned for this class to provide an overview of the challenges faced by management in the development and deployment of a PMO in an existing company. Based on the case study respond to the questions below incorporating not only the course reading materials, but any outside research that may be relevant. Be sure to cite the authority for any research included in your response. What were the changes in AtekPC’s business environment that caused the company to introduce a PMO? Based on your assigned readings and research, do these appear to be appropriate reasons for developing a PMO? Why or why not? â€Å"One might be cost reduction. Another motivation to get better on projects would be that we have to get more creative, adaptive, and agile in launching new products. â€Å" [1] â€Å"The PC industry was changing, and AtekPC was engaged in dealing with dramatic pressure from larger competitors such as HP, Dell, and Lenovo. To compete in a changing industry in which consolidation was occurring, AtekPC had implemented a corporate Planning Office. Recognizing the  role that IT would likely play in enabling AtekPC to respond to the industry pressures, the senior vice-president had supported the creation of a PMO within IT. â€Å" [1] Somewhat true but not sufficient Here are some other reasons of why we should have PMO. (of course it cannot represent everything) In mature organizations, the PMO is the focal point for improvement and enhancement in project management through the implementation of the enterprise-oriented functions. Enterprise-oriented functions are intended to bolster the overall capability of the organization for long-range benefits. The enterprise functions will provide the long-term stability and backbone  for the project management success. This mission is met by establishing, and maintaining, a project historical database, by developing and disseminating project management best practices, by providing training in all project management knowledge areas, and by providing visibility for the value of project management to the organization. [2] Distinguish between project-focused and enterprise-oriented duties of a PMO? The specific duties of a PMO were typically divided into two categories: project-focused and enterprise-oriented. Project focused responsibilities such as consulting, mentoring, and training were services that enabled the success of individual projects. On the other hand, enterprise responsibilities addressed services that might improve all projects such as portfolio management, PM standards, methods, and tools, and project performance archives. [1] PMO’s are more effective and can better impact the bottom line, when they are operating at the corporate enterprise-wide strategic level, rather than at the departmental level. Departmentally based Project Management offices are successful in their own silos but not accepted outside their span of influence, and therefore, are unable to influence the organization as a whole. This is because many project management offices started off from a grass roots approach. [3] A PMO that is organizationally based versus departmentally based is more likely to get executive support. After all, project management should not be a departmental strategy; it should be an organizational strategy. The Enterprise PMO will oversee the management of all strategically aligned projects. [3] Describe the primary issues faced by AteKPC management under the two organizational models that were under consideration for the PMO. Explain the limitations of each of these models.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Donald Marc Allens Struggle with Cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Donald Marc Allens Struggle with Cancer - Essay Example Marc Allen’s experience was a revelation, one that drew his attention to the importance of frequent screening among other forms of medical checkups. Marc Allen is a thirty-five-year-old American currently living in Manhattan. He works in the office of the attorney general as one of the clerks. He, therefore, enjoys comprehensive medical cover from the government among other associated benefits. Besides such, Marc Allen has additional health insurance. He sought the product soon after the formulation and successful implementation of the Obama care health act. The act made insurance services both affordable and available. He is a family man, married to Marie Marc Allen and the two have three children schooling within the New York State. He, therefore, lives as many other middle-class Americans facing similar challenges but prioritizing the health of their families a feature that validates the numerous health insurance policies he has both for himself and the other members of his family. He explains his experience with prostate cancer as one of the most infuriating. Given his young age, he did not think that he would suffer from such a disease. Prior to the diagnosis, Marc Allen lived a busy life concentrating on both his legal work and his family. Never did it occur to him that he would suffer from such a disease. He, therefore, did not go for any form of screening until he was admitted with abdominal pains. It was then that the doctors advised that he undergo a thorough screening of other types of tests. The screening proved that he had prostate cancer and was therefore to undergo a series of radiographic in one of the most sensitive parts of his body. He explains that the diagnosis was a scare since he had not anticipated such a disease. He lived in denial for a while but with the support from his family and the advice from his doctors, he opted for the radiology treatment since the doctors explained that he had high chances of surviving.  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Story Hotel in Stockholm- ----- SWOT analysis and competitive Research Paper

Story Hotel in Stockholm- ----- SWOT analysis and competitive advantage - Research Paper Example Its original and colorful website reflects what the hotel’s concept is. They encourage the customers to visit their online page to have a better look of great packages that the hotel offers. This is a very good strategy since their website has the information about what the client wants. This is an innovative concept that is highly advantageous. It is very visible on Google, which makes it available for exploration by new customers. Story Hotel, however, has some weaknesses. First, its location, which is not centrally placed compared to other hotels such as the Omena hotel is a weak point. This location makes them lose business to its competitors since the hotels centrally located are able to get clients from the main offices. This might push away customers since most clients prefer a centrally located area, close to social amenities and affordable at the same time. The hotel lacks luxury facilities such as spa, space for conferences, and room service. Despite its good looking, cool, and creative website, Story Hotel website lacks the question and answer tab, which is useful to potential customers who are not quite familiar with the hotel. However, Story Hotel has notable opportunities. They already have a positive brand attitude created to their customers. This could be made completely to their advantage by providing a spa, conference facilities, and a room service for their customers. This will give them a competitive edge above their competition. Rooms should be available on their online service that is already successful. The threats to the success of the Story Hotel are the high competition for guests by their competition who offers lower prices. The food offered needs to be better always for them to maintain their high number of customers. The management needs to find another concept that will give them competitive advantage. This will make the price offered by Story Hotel a differentiation strategy since all the services will be first of